Also frustrating is when a photo is uploaded, or when a new topic is started, there is a moderation time. I strongly feel pictures and topics hostage like this until someone somewhere takes a look at them is unnecessary. Giving users the opportunity to flag topics and photos as inappropriate should be sufficient, along with disabling or banning users who try to put up inappropriate photographs, as well as moderators who will click periodically through new pictures. For someone wanting to start a new topic, like "Orlando protest pictures," he or she must wait until the topic is approved before being allowed to upload photos. It's been 45 minutes since I submitted a topic for approval, and as of this moment, it is still in "pending" status. This isn't very user-friendly at all.
Furthermore, if a user wants to upload many pictures at once, there isn't a way to do that. Websites such as Flickr and Facebook have ways of uploading many photos at one time. Even uploading five photos at once would be a significant improvement to the current system.
I realise this post might be harsh, and I'm not meaning for it to be mean, but as someone who uses websites which utilise photographs and uploading, trying to use the Orlando Memory site is like trying to use a Commodore 64.

Again, my commentary isn't meant to be any sort of jab at the people who made Orlando Memory. It isn't meant to be personal, so please don't take it that way. As someone with nearly 500 photographs tagged "Orlando" in my Flickr account, I would love to contribute to this project. But the idea of waiting for ten, twenty, thirty photos to be approved is ridiculous.
Please redo Orlando Memory. I'll be happy to provide further suggestions or examples of good design to possibly incorporate, if welcome.
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